
Long time away

Hello, it’s been a long time since my last post, and a lot has happened since. I’ve had difficulty finding time to write a good post, or even a bad post, sometimes, but now I return with a brief explaining, and some possible continuation posts. First, during the classes period, I have a …

Games for Programmers

Ever since I can remember I liked puzzles. My father had a book on puzzles, and there were also puzzle magazines. I liked it much I also liked gaming very much. I don’t remember where it started, but I played a lot. Well, today I’ll talk about games that have programming involved, albeit …

Test Driven Development in Julia

First, what is Test Driven Development (TDD)? Well, I’m not an expert, so don’t quote me, but in practice it means that you develop your code to fulfill tests that you define prior to beginning your work. You do not define all your tests first, though. You define a single test, and …

LaTeX tools for revision

This post is just to introduce two new tools I found. LatexDiff is a tool that compares two tex files and generates a third marking the differences between them. It is great, for instance, when you update a thesis or article, and want to show the differences to your advisor or colleague. Beware that …

Minicurso de Julia para Otimização

Semana passada, nos dias 22 a 24 de Fevereiro aconteceu o VIII Simpósio de Análise Numérica e Otimização. Nesse evento, eu apresentei um minicurso de Julia com foco em Otimização não Linear. Entre 10 e 15 pessoas participaram no total, entre alunos de graduação, de pós-graduação, e professores. O …

Ubuntu graphic interface stopped working

Some time ago, I helped a colleague install Ubuntu in a Sony Vaio, which ended up having SSD problems. Today, his computer started without the bar and menu from Unity. Only the desktop and icons were appearing, and the keyboards shortcuts were also not working. To fix, I found this askubuntu …

Automated testing

We’re gonna learn how to make a test for your Julia code that runs whenever you publish it online. We’re gonna use GitHub to store the code; Travis CI to run your tests; to verify which lines of code your test are missing. Alternatively, for a open source alternative, see …

VIII Simpósio de Análise Numérica e Otimização - Minicurso de Julia

Nos dias 22 a 24 de Fevereiro de 2016 acontecerá o VIII Simpósio de Análise Numérica e Otimização. É uma ótima oportunidade para interagir com colegas e conhecer alguns assuntos novos de pesquisa. Em particular, nesse simpósio apresentarei um minicurso sobre Julia com foco em Otimização. O minicurso …

Professional site and blog for researchers, professors and students

TL; DR: Make a professional web page, like mine, and/or a blog, like mine. Use Jekyll and my links: work page, blog page. Summary: Summary: Introduction General Information Using my site as a starting point Work page - Easy way Work page - Hard way Blog page - Easy way Blog page - Hard way Both - …