
The End of Fortran

One of my main interest is the end of Fortran as the only programming language used by mathematicias. If you’re not in the area of mathematical programming, you probably find it strange for me to be talking about Fortran, so I explain. Fortran is considered the fastest programming language in …

perprof-py: A Performance Profile Package for Python

One of the things I worked with was a Performance Profile tool, in the sense of Dolan and Moré. This tool, perprof-py, written in Python, reads input in the form of a table of problem with time and exitflag, and outputs a image/pdf with the performance profile. This tool is very important for the …

BibCLI - Command Line Interface to Manage Bibliography

After working with references and citations in latex for a while, with multiple files, I noticed that some things need improvement. First of all, you need to use some way to store your bibliography outside of the tex file. For instance, using bibtex. Second, you probably want some bibliography …

Jogos de Tabuleiro

Eu (não tão) recementemente me interessei em jogos de tabuleiro. Para clarificar, não estou me referindo aos jogos de tabuleiro “clássicos”, como War, Banco Imobiliário, etc.. Estou me referindo aos jogos de tabuleiro com mecânica avançada. Isso não significa que todos eles são …