
A quasi-solution to my …

For some time, one of my concerns is bibliography management. See my projects page if you have interest on working with something like that. In the past, what we had was simply writing all your bibliographies directly on a .tex file. Then, if you needed to write again, you would copy-paste it …

LaTeX tools for revision

This post is just to introduce two new tools I found. LatexDiff is a tool that compares two tex files and generates a third marking the differences between them. It is great, for instance, when you update a thesis or article, and want to show the differences to your advisor or colleague. Beware that …

ShareLaTeX e o básico do …

Este post serve principalmente para meus alunos e outros interessados em começar a usar o LaTeX. A primeira coisa a se notar é que instalar o compilador é bem chato e complicado, então sugiro usarem o ShareLaTeX que é um editor e compilador de LaTeX online. O ShareLaTeX possui uma boa documentação …

BibCLI - Command Line …

After working with references and citations in latex for a while, with multiple files, I noticed that some things need improvement. First of all, you need to use some way to store your bibliography outside of the tex file. For instance, using bibtex. Second, you probably want some bibliography …